Rob Zombie and other things.

This is a bit late. Four days late actually.

I went to the Rob Zombie concert in Anaheim on November 1st. Now, least to say, I was in some pain because of the work I did in a haunted house. Now doing makeup wasn't what caused the pain mind you- it was the scaring and the chasing. I was on my feet for more than four hours, I was running, I got hit by a lot of things and a lot of people. Not to mention I was hit by a rather large piece of wood in my no-no part. I had two days of that so I really didn't want to do much.

I was talked into remaining where the pit would most definitely be. I stayed there, minding my own business and getting over it. The first band was Captain Clegg and the night creatures or some shit. They sounded a little bit country. They were the band featured at the party in Halloween 2. They weren't bad I must admit, but they weren't my type of music. The crowd wasn't crazy when they came on, so I stayed in the row I was in- which was the second, right the fuck in the middle in front of the stage. Perfect fucking standing area.

Rob Zombie came on next (I thought the Nekromantix or however the fuck you spell it were coming on). That's when the crowd decided to go balls out crazy. I held my own until some guy that was pushing his way toward me realized how short I was. He claimed to someone I met (a hot twin O.o) that I was ' like two feet tall ' and told him to let me in front. So, I was pushed that way and leaned against the railing and apologized a few times because I took Travis' spot. Whoops. I was also a little bit worried about the other girls since they were stuck behind me with a crazy crowd and pushing. But they were still alive. I would have jumped around but I was smashed against the railing. In turn, having my chest hurting and my ribs. But it was worth it.


Rob Zombie decided he was going to let the people in front touch him. Now because of my height, I had some Rob Zombie crotch at my face, literally at my mouth. I took advantage of everything I could reach, trust me ;] So that made my entire month. Bad thing? Bought a very expensive shirt.

Another good thing- made a lot of new acquaintances. Didn't get all of their numbers, but the two that I did get- I only really speak to one more than the other. Hurray for Joey.

And of course, because my posts would never be the same if I didn't-

I wished Twinkielasher was there :O

I was in pain for a day and a half after that, my ribs were killing me as was my stomach but I got over it. And just yesterday, I got an interview at a Salon close to where I live. I think it went fucking fantastic. The only thing is, they don't have an actual position.


I can go there and use their facilities and their makeup.

:] That was the upside. So let's root for that!

That's about it. Kthnx.


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